It is what it is....

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

The end of another school year

Well, last Friday was the end of yet another glorious school year. Do you realize I have had a child in school (or should I say children) since 1990, that is 21 years of homework, awards, parties, struggles and everything else that parents of school age children go through. And I still have 8 more years of regular school and then who knows how many more years of college for Kaitlyn. Kaitlyn is now officially entering 5th grade and Dakota will be a Junior in the fall. Just think only 2 more years and my son will be graduating and then Kaitlyn will be entering in Junior High School.
Dakota is looking for a job, I guess he thinks a job will be so much easier then doing chores, hahaha! I am really excited for the day he gets his first job and thanks me for teaching him how to work.
Kaitlyn loves our new neighborhood and is having a great time "hanging" out with her new friends, soccer starts in a couple of weeks and that is something she looks so forward to.
My Mom is coming this summer to spend sometime with us, I know the kids totally enjoy having her around. I am hoping that sometime this summer we will be taking a camping trip, because Michael and I both must work we try to stick close to home and summer vacations aren't as much fun as off season vacations.

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