It is what it is....

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The 1st Skate Competition

Dakota finally entered his first Skate Competition!!!

What an exciting time for him, this is something he has always dreamed of doing and finally he took the plunge and entered the competition! He was very nervous, because he knew all eyes would be on him, but he gave it his best try and did not make it to the finals, however he did very good!

We are so proud of him and can't wait to go to many more competitions in the future!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Summer 2010 is already here

Well summer hit our home on June 4th, 2010. Dakota graduated from 9th grade and is now on his way to High School. We are so proud of him and the grades he managed to keep up with some hard work! He will be well deserving of his permit in September and his drivers license next spring if he keeps this up! He is looking forward to a summer full skate parks and friends!

I have to say I am so proud of Alex, he graduated high school and is now thinking about college! He has moved out of our home, but will always be close in our hearts. We love Alex so much, but there comes a time when a child wants to make adult decisions and make adult choices and mistakes, so off he goes to learn from the word on just how much it truly sucks to be an adult. LOL!

Kaitlyn is now on her way to 4th grade, amazing how fast time flies! She left on the 8th to go to Oregon with her Nanny. She was ready to come home because she was a bit bored, and then she met the kids next door! And suddenly she decided coming home could wait...his name is Brandon. An 11 year old boy who has "a cute southern accent"! Michael and I are no longer worrying that our baby is home sick, we worry that our baby is wanting to grow up too fast!

We are planning on taking the kids to Mount Rushmore this summer, since neither Michael nor the kids have ever been and it's only a 10 hour drive from here. Along with that we have got to make a trip to Lava Hot Springs, Idaho since I have never been. I am hoping for a wonderful summer!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Making Gingerbread houses

Oh what a wonderful Chirstmas season it was in 2009!

Quynnie and Kaity insisted that we made gingerbread houses and here are the final results!

Pumpkin Patch 2009

Since I am trying to play catch up I really don't know where to start so I will start where ever and continue from there LOL!
In October I finally saved enough money to purchase a Nikon Digital SLR and lucky for me, I have lots of subjects to photograph. So Michael and I packed up the Grandbabies and Kaity and went to the Pumpkin Patch.
It started out as a bit of an overcast day, however by the time we got to the end of the trail the wind came up and the rain came down, but we got some cool pictures! As you can see I was trying to take a cute picture of the granbabies and Kaity, but Quynnie had other idea's on how the picture should turn out! I am sure she will love to see this one when she is much older.

My Family, Mi Familia!

A lot going on in our lives lately.
We haven't been very good at keeping up on here as we had planned. I will try harder. 2010 hasn't been the most friendly of years for us.
It started out with a hard lesson that we feel no family should ever have to endure, the lesson that we try to teach our children everyday that no matter what your family is and always should be more valuable than money. I can't say much on the subject, but I can say that the Keepers Family I once referred to as my dis-functional family is not at all the case. No matter what I have said or done to disappoint my family I know they have always loved me and been 100% supportive of my decisions, my life and my illegitimate children and all of my failures! I realize that although we never had much financially, we always had each other. And today we can laugh about the times that we would have popcorn for dinner night because we couldn't afford "real food" or that our mom is the only mom we know who can make a mean creamed pea's over potato chips cause that was all we had in the cupboard. When the rest of the world tried to beat us down, I always had my brothers and sister and best of all we had each other. And the best thing of all my family loves and appreciates my husband and I thank each and everyone of them for accepting him! He is the love of my life and knowing that my family loves him makes my love even stronger. Here's to the worst beginning, but the best ending!!!!
I love you all so much!