It is what it is....

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Grudges, Sadness and Love

Sometimes you sit back and think about someone or a certain situation and think, "what happened here"?
We used to get along so well and then with a blink of an eye it's gone, done, over with. 
Not saying we are innocent by any means. But sometimes a misunderstanding can be pushed to the point that you can go years without talking to someone you love so much. 
Along the way things were said and done to hurt each other by both parties.
How do you get over the hurt? 
How do you mend fences?
Can you ever regain the trust and love you once had?
I sure hope so!
Contrary to popular belief I don't have control, if I did this thing would not have lasted this long!
Who makes the first move and how do you get the other person to understand you are extending an Olive Branch?
I guess maybe I don't understand the point of holding grudges, cause I can get over it just as fast as I got mad.
I can only work on me as a person and I know that for the past year and a half I have been working very hard to understand why I do some of the things I do and trying so hard to fix me. 
I know things won't be fixed over night but with baby steps maybe the future can look a whole lot brighter :)

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