It is what it is....

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Christmas 2011

Merry Christmas exactly 2 months to the day late. 
Only 2 months well I would say that is not too bad! What is wrong with me, when it comes to having to be somewhere at a certain time I am almost OCD about being on time EVERY time, but when it comes to sending out Christmas cards or greetings, well it is a procrastination thing I share with my wonderful husband. However I do come by it naturally, I was born into a whole slew of procrastinators. Just ask my sister in laws they'll tell you! ;)
Is it procrastinating or is it time management and prioritizing? Something I ask myself should be, will time stand still if I don't blog about every freaking move I make like some people do (not putting you people down, but come on there has to be more to life then spending lots of money on a trip just to rush home to put it on your blog only to sound like a bragging snob).
Christmas was wonderful, seriously how can it not be when 4 of your 9 grandchildren get to come and enjoy it with you? Christmas is all about kids to me and when there are no more little ones to enjoy it with well then I guess it will be no more fun. 
Christmas is about family and just being together, not about presents. 
Next year everyone is getting a homemade gift, I wonder what they'll think? 
Michael and I will be saving our money for a cruise!!!


Anonymous said...

If you have a problem with people enjoying the fruits of their labors, perhaps you shouldn't read their blogs. Other people don't cut you down, and you should extend the same courtesy - after all your brothers and sister-in-laws all know about your son's troubles with the law, and no one writes about that.

Anonymous said...

It's a shame when people post like this anonymously, even though we all know who they are. Really??? Judge much?!? What's more disappointing is that family can't move on. Forgive and forget. Life is too short to hold a grudge against someone. It's sad. Really sad. I'm speechless.

Michael & Tami Long & Family said...

Thank you anonymous poster number 2 for sticking up for me. I agree with your comment "Judge much?!?"
I know my son has his issues, but unlike some people who think that if your family doesn't do as you want you can just throw them away. Nothing like keeping your child from having family and then turning your mean, spiteful back on them....hmmmm! My blog post was not intended towards you, although by your comment you have a bit of a guilty conscious. Get over yourself and I would say perhaps you shouldn't read other peoples blogs if you don't like what they have to say or if you really feel the need to make everything about you.

Anonymous said...

What is the point of posting anonymously when everyone knows who everyone else is? There is clearly a lot of anger and pain in this family, all over an old misunderstanding and some old jealousy. I wish, for the sake of the ENTIRE family, that everyone could just get along.

I see some jealousy, old and new. Not everyone has to work hard for everything they have... Some people have life handed to them on a silver platter. Still others must work their tails off for everything and don't have the luxury of being able to take weeks and weeks off work every year to jet off to Mexico or take another cruise. And what a blessing to be able to retire early, too! It'd be great if those people SHARED their blessings, rather than spoil themselves constantly with lavish vacations, a ginormous home that they can't possibly "need", etc. I don't know...
The important thing is that money isn't everything. Money can't buy love and can't buy family, and there's nothing like enjoying the fruits of your labor that you've worked so hard for. Maybe one day you and Mike will have all these nice things too, and I'm betting you'll share them with your loved ones. Until then, keep plugging away and don't stop holding out hope that one day you'll all reconcile...mothers, in-laws, children. And don't leave your own children behind, none of them. There are seven, right?