I am starting to notice a pattern here. You'd think after almost 26 years of being a mommy I would of caught on much sooner. I guess I'm a little slow.
Every single year right about January/February my family gets sick.
Usually it starts with one of our school age children and works it's way to Michael and I.
However the last two years it has turned into pneumonia for Michael and that is way too scary. I sometimes have a tendency to not feel real sorry for him because I always say "Honey, maybe you should go to the doctor" and like most men he says "No I'll be ok". And I think to myself..... I've been a Mom for close to 26 years of 5 children, maybe, just maybe I do know what I'm talking about!
Well, this year is no different. Dakota came home last Thursday feeling horrible and running a fever, I gave him some NyQuil and he slept. A couple days later he was feeling fine. Then Saturday Kaitlyn started running a fever and as much medicine as I gave her she still didn't feel better and the fever was still there. So Monday morning I called the doctor and got her an appointment, so I told Michael I'm leaving work early to take Kaity to the doctor, maybe you should come? He tells me the same thing he has every other year "No, I'll wait". Classic answer coming from him. So I say to him "And what is it you're going to wait for? I'm guessing you want it to turn into pneumonia?". Well that's all it took and he asked his boss if he could leave. Although he didn't have an appointment, the clinic where we go also has what we call here in Utah "Instacare", everywhere else it is Urgent Care. Kaitlyn and I went to her doctor and Michael waited at Instacare (which always takes too long).
Well we found out that Kaitlyn is sick, but it wasn't what I suspected. Low and Behold she has not only a cough and cold, but damn she also has pink eye!
I know how contagious it is!
And Michael has a viral infection, yep it's the one that usually turns into the pneumonia. But this time we caught it in time to start antibiotics and cough medicine so he doesn't have to suffer through another bout of full blown pneumonia. In my mind I'm thinking "Michael your wife is so damn smart", but instead I said "Aren't you glad you came to the doctor?"
Now Kaitlyn and Michael are medicated.
And Mommy is armed with disinfectants, sanitizers, vapor rub, Clorox wipes and much more.
I am so tired of the illnesses, I have wiped down everything in my house and washed all the bedding. I'm trying everything to get rid of the sick bugs!
This is how I will fight the cold and flu season! |