Trevor he's 14 years old and well he is a teenager. He lives with his mom and we only see him occasionally. He is having a hard time with the whole step family thing! I really wish it wasn't so hard for him, but realize he must deal with things in his own way and his own time.
Ian is 10 years old now. He loves the whole step family thing. He is at our house every other weekend, and enjoys playing tech decks with his step brother Dakota. They will sit in their room for hours and play! Ian is a very smart boy and very social, he gets a long with EVERYONE! From the day I met him we clicked!
Dakota is 13 years old and not in any hurry to be a teenager and we are ok with that! We love the innocence he possess. He loves his tech decks and Skateboarding. He is doing so well in school this year, we are so excited for that! He earned a new Skateboard this fall for bringing home a report card with no D's or F's, school has always been a struggle for him and now he is getting the kind of education he deserves to have.
Kaitlyn will be 8 on January 5th and is so excited for that. She has been asked to test for the gifted program at school. We will find out the results of the test in the Spring. I do know this, she is the top reader in her class and love school so very much.
Alex is 17 years old now, busy looking for a job! He is excelling in school and will graduate in spring/summer 2010. Seems like just yesterday he was starting kindergarten, my how time flies.
Michael and I have really tried to make this step family thing work for all involved, it hasn't been easy. However we know it will totally be worth it in the end, because we plan on spending the rest of our lives together.